วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 22 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Going Bananas! Why Not? They Are Good For You

Have you ever wondered where monkeys get their boundless energy and dexterity from? One can only marvel as with a sparkle that leaves us gasping they catapult from tree to tree, ricochet from branch to branch, and sprint through the undergrowth. You could be forgiven for thinking they have gone bananas. Well maybe they have done just that.

The banana fruit contains three natural sugars, which are very important to us all. These are sucrose, fructose and glucose combined with essential fibre. Together they give the body a considerable and sustained boost in energy levels.

Two bananas will give you enough energy for a strenuous 90-minute workout so it is hardly surprising that athletes favour it. No risks either with the drug analysts.

It gets better. Sustainable energy levels isn't the only way a banana can help us keep fit. Consider also the excellent effects it has on other maladies, some of which are down to modern lifestyles. The health service would be much relieved by putting this vital fruit on the tables of the nation.


MIND, the mental health charity recently carried out a survey of people suffering from depression. It revealed that many felt their melancholia lift shortly after eating bananas. There was good reason for their renewed feeling of wellbeing. Bananas contain tryptophan, a protein which the body converts into serotonin. This is known to help you relax, improve your mood and generally make you feel happier. Similarly Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) can be much relieved by tryptophan.

Like acne pre-menstrual syndrome is a rite of passage as time takes its toll. Why not cheat by putting bananas on your shopping list? Your glucose levels are regulated by vitamin B6 and a regular intake stabilises your moods. In fact B vitamins are an excellent nutrition for the entire nervous system.

Lifestyle and modern processed food, and perhaps too much alcohol intake can lead to anaemia but here again, bananas which are high in iron stimulate the body's natural production of haemoglobin, helping to return balance to the body's essential absorption of this vital mineral.


Another bane of modern living, or a consequence of extended living, is of course high blood pressure. Many of the over fifties regulate theirs by taking prescribed medicine such as Perindopril. But this wonderful tropical fruit has a high content of potassium whilst at the same time is low in salt so will help to keep your blood pressure at a safe level without adversely affecting your quality of life.

We all know about the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's scientific excellence It was entirely in agreement with the banana industry's claim that including the fruit in one's diet helped to reduce blood pressure and lessen the risk of a stroke.

According to research in The New England Journal of Medicine, eating bananas as part of a regular diet can cut the risk of death by strokes by as much as 40%.

Not clever by half? We have all heard that IQ levels can be demonstrably increased through listening to classical music but by eating bananas? It seems so. Two hundred students at a Twickenham school were given an intelligence boost when their daily diet became banana-based. There was none of that familiar drowsiness associated with lessons and exams. In fact the increase in alertness was clear.

It seems that the almost magical properties of bananas can improve the quality of our lives in one way or another. Because they are high in fibre, constipation becomes less of an issue so feel free to empty the bathroom cabinet of laxatives.


You had a heavy night, your head is thumping and your tongue is disgusting. You're hung-over. Try this remedy. Whisk yourself a real banana milkshake and include liberal spoonfuls of honey. The fruit will settle your tummy, the honey restores your body's sugar levels, whilst the milk reduces the effects of de-hydration.

Those who suffer from heartburn, and we all do from time to time, will find that our wonderful fruit is high in anti-acid. Expectant mums also know that morning sickness can be a thoroughly unpleasant and recurring experience. It is a condition not helped by low blood sugar levels, which banana intake relieves.

Talking of mum conditions, in hot climates it doesn't help when high temperatures are present during childbirth. Many cultures see bananas as a 'cooling' fruit that can lower both the physical and emotional temperature of expectant mothers. In Thailand for example, pregnant women eat bananas to ensure their baby is born with a cool temperature.

Climate change means that no one is free of the risk of mosquito bites and many will testify to the relief gained by rubbing the inside of a banana skin on the affected area.


Contrary to popular opinion being overweight is a condition often found in stressful jobs. The constant pressure, according to scientists at the Institute of Psychology in Austria, leads to gorging on comfort food, low in nutritional value, high in fat.

Potassium is a vital mineral, which helps normalize the heartbeat, sends oxygen to the brain and regulates the body's water balance. When we are stressed, our metabolic rate rises, thereby reducing potassium levels. These can be rebalanced with the help of high-potassium banana snacks.

The report concluded that to avoid food cravings induced by pressure we need to control blood sugar levels by snacking on high carbohydrate bananas food frequently. By doing so we satisfy the cravings whilst giving our bodies the essential minerals needed to combat the consequences of stress, without putting on weight.


Ulcers are yet another ailment of modern society often caused by irregular and inappropriate meals, and of course stress. This disabling affliction can be eased by including bananas as part of a balanced diet. It really does bring relief to the delicate membranes and soft textures of the intestinal system.

Anyone who has ever given up smoking will tell you of the cravings endured. One expert claimed that it was easier to get a person unhooked from heroin than it was to free them from addiction to nicotine.

Can enjoying this tropical goody really help? Yes it can. When one's body is going through this particular profound shift it needs to recover its non-nicotine equilibrium. Undoubtedly the B6, B12 contained in bananas, plus the additional potassium and magnesium helps the body recover from the effects of nicotine withdrawal.


Warts can be stressful wherever they appear, especially for those conscious of their appearance, their health and those they come in contact with. Many swear by the healing properties experienced when the inside section of banana skin is placed over the wart, and fastened there by surgical tape or a plaster.

Never underestimate the power of nature harnessed inside a banana fruit. The doctor's advice is to keep away - by eating an apple a day. But the humble banana has four times an apple's protein, twice its carbohydrate, three times the phosphorus, five times the vitamin A and iron, and twice the other vitamins and minerals. It is also rich in potassium. It is simply one of the best value foods around.

This could be the opportunity to give doctors some well earned time off. After all, surely avoidance of ailments is better than cure. No wonder there are so many maxims associated with monkey guile, cuteness, agility and energy. ©

