Not a day goes by when a panic stricken patient of mine rushes into my room asking me, "Doctor, please is there any way I can whiten my teeth in time for the summer? I want to look my best infront of my friends." My answer is always a resounding YES! Not only can you have brilliant white teeth in two weeks, you don't have to spend a fortune doing it or wipe out your enamel. Here's how:
1. The magical Teeth Whitening Powder
You'd have never guessed that such a common, day to day product can have such a dramatic impact on your teeth. The truth is, baking soda is an extremely powerful teeth whitening product. Just use it in the same way you would toothpaste. During the first 4 days, it will seem like it's staining your teeth. However, when one week passes, you will be blown away by how effective it is. Do not use more than 5 times a week.
A word of caution however: not for soft gums.
2. Banana peels
This is a trick of the trade I'm not supposed to share with "common folk" that I learned in dentistry school: banana peels are phenomenal for whitening teeth. Simply rub the inside of the banana peel onto your teeth for approximately two minutes. Wait 3 minutes and afterward, brush regularly.
You will be amazed how effective it is. I know it works because apart from the technical aspects, I use this one myself. Not a day goes by when I'm not complimented about my teeth. Try it today if you've got a banana lying around.
3. Brush twice a day.....with SOAP
You read that right. Yes, soap is what I like to call "the mother" of dental health. If you can bear the bad taste, brushing your teeth with unscented soap can kill germs and remove ALL the plaque and tartar that regular tooth paste simply cannot remove. I personally tried this once for two weeks and I was shocked!
Apart from that, your teeth will feel great afterward, this isn't just an illusion. The soap helps to
re-mineralize them and isn't as harsh as toothpaste can be.
Furthermore, as an added plus, soap doesn't wipe away the enamel like other methods do.
4. H2O2
Hydrogen peroxide is a Pandora's box these days - nobody is sure whether or not it is dangerous for you or whether its health effects are beneficial. I'm saying this as a dentist. One thing is certain, it does whiten teeth. If used once a week, it is also great for destroying tartar and other harmful bacteria.
Use sparingly and with caution however.
Of course the best, unbeatable teeth whitening products are the ones specifically designed by dental professionals, however, not all of them are created equal. Read my blog (link below) to find out more about the best teeth whitening product in the market right now.