Banana as we all know is found worldwide. Banana offers more benefits than other fruits. Banana has a storage of carbohydrates and is a rich source of Vitamin B. Combination of these two acts as an energy booster. Vitamin A and C are also present in Banana along with high levels of potassium. Potassium is essential for the body as it keeps the heart and the nervous system healthy. Potassium is helpful in activating muscle-influenced activities such as; the pumping of heart that is rhythmic, digestion etc. Deficiency of Potassium causes high blood pressure and exposes an individual to risk of stroke. Hence Banana helps in keeping the heart working properly with the presence of Potassium in it. Potassium again is good for kidneys and bones. It prevents formation of kidney stone by suppressing excretion of calcium in urine. As Banana prevents loss of calcium the risk of osteoporosis is also reduced.
There are some twenty amino acids in Banana and Tryptophan is one of them. Serotonin is produced by Tryptophan which calms the brain and acts as a mild sedative. As Tryptophan is not manufactured any where we can get it only through our food and Banana is its good source. Banana is also beneficial for our blood. The Vitamin B6 present in Banana helps the body in making hemoglobin which is vital ingredient of blood. Maintaining a healthy immune response and production of antibodies is initiated by Vitamin B6. Carbohydrates are converted into glucose to maintain proper level of blood sugar by Vitamin B6.
As Banana contains natural and dietary fiber it lowers the risk of coronary heart ailments and of type 2 diabetes. Thus we see how a Banana is beneficial for us because of its medicinal properties.