Bananas are a food that people are recently starting to pick up. It is high in fibers, and if you eat bananas in the morning - you can literally lose tons of weight, feel more energy throughout the day, and even have the freedom to eat more often!
It's an incredible diet; however there are some things you need to know before you go about doing this diet.
Tip #1 - Eat a Banana in the Morning
This is why it's called a morning banana diet. All you have to do is to eat 1 or two bananas in the morning. By eating a banana or two in the morning; your body will ultimately be full and your appetite suppressed.
You also want to drink an adequate amount of water in the morning to, by doing this, you will flush out all the toxins from the previous day and you will not want to eat that much until about lunch time.
Tip #2 - You Do Not Have to Eat That Many Bananas; Big Mistake
People constantly think that they will have to eat tons of bananas throughout the day. This would be insane because you need other nutrients besides the banana as well. You will need fats, lean proteins, and a tons of other things.
Tip #3 - Combine this Morning Banana Diet with Fat Burning Foods
Fat burning foods are in fact one of the greatest ways to lose weight. If you eat bananas in the morning, then eat lean meats, apples, pears, lean fish and poultry, garlic, spicy foods, or any other fat burning food (there are tons of them, you can even research them), you will lose more weight than ever before!
So the question is, why not start today with the morning banana diet? Maybe you can create your own diet off this morning banana diet and save tons of cash!