Many people benefit from the production lines of Chiquita- one of the leading producers and sellers of bananas. The company has just recently undergone some extreme controversy- funding terrorism with their own pockets. Who would have thought that a banana could carry so much weight, power and fear. And the protection racket is still alive and kicking.
The company was reported to have paid Columbian terrorists 'protection' money. The fine so far has been $25 million for the company, who makes about twice that each business period. The terrorist group known as AUC was paid $1.7 million in exchange for 'protection', although it could only be confirmed that they did indeed pay the terrorists between the years 2001 and 2004. It is currently unknown as to whether or not the company is still paying the terrorist group AUC, further investigations are being undertaken to find out more information. Nobody knows even if the investigations themselves are corrupted - such is the state of affairs in powerful circles.
The company has been oddly cooperative - odd simply because of the potential consequences for "grassers.". It claimed the AUC made the threats against workers, and paid the money for the protection of its employees only. This isn't unheard of, as many businesses in the area will get such threats from groups like the AUC.
Not surprisingly, the Chiquita stock fell $.14 at the New York Stock Exchange, the day of the news release. It is expected to continue its downfall until an ultimate decision is made for the company.