While bananas are the most popular fruit on the planet - outdistancing both apples and oranges - few people know enough about this variety of plantain to make full use of its extraordinary qualities. This article explores how you can get the most from this deliciously healthful fruit.
Great food value in a small package. One medium banana contains a good dose of fiber, potassium, vitamins C and B6 and a whole lot more...
Weighing in at about 100 calories for a medium bananas - you get a ton of value for that smidgen of energy. Most of the calories come from its three sugars - sucrose, fructose and glucose. Studies show two bananas provides enough energy to fuel a full 90 minutes of heavy activity - making bananas the favorite snack of top athletes. Even better, bananas are digested in such a way as to release that energy slowly so there's no "rush and crash" effect. But that's not all...
Feeling bad? Can't sleep? Eat a banana. Bananas pack in all eight essential amino acids our bodies need. One of these, tryptophan, helps you sleep and also helps combat depression. Your body uses tryptophan to produce serotonin. Serotonin helps you relax and improves your mood. Serotonin is a natural "happy pill". And that's just the beginning.
Bananas can be used to ease a number of ills including Morning Sickness, Heartburn, PMS, Mosquito bites and even hangovers. They help control blood sugar levels (low blood sugar can cause morning sickness) so it's an ideal food to keep handy for diabetics.
Got heartburn? Bananas act like an antacid to smooth out upset stomachs.
Nervous? The B vitamins in bananas have a calming effect.
Bitten by insects? Eat a banana and then rub the inside of the skin on the bite. It's prized for reducing the irritation and swelling. Some say if you tape a piece of banana skin to a wart it will die.
Bothered by High Blood Pressure? Low in sodium and a good source of potassium, bananas are part of the healthy diet necessary to keep hypertension in check. Research also suggests bananas can lessen the risk of stroke.
Constipated? The fiber in bananas can help. Coupled with bran flakes, many folks can move to a regular schedule in no time.
Bananas as brain food? Yep. At least one informal study in England suggests eating bananas can improve exam performance. Did the bananas calm exam takers? Or maybe they supplied the energy needed to concentrate. some point the to potassium, saying it helped keep students focused. While more study is needed, a little banana power can't hurt.
Suffering from a hangover? Forget the "hair of the dog" Eat a banana and drink plenty of water. Since dehydration and potassium depletion are the primary causes of your headache an nausea, 16 oz. of water and a medium banana will go a long way to restoring your body to normal. For best results have your banana and water before going to bed.
For overall healthy eating it's hard to beat the banana as a staple for your diet. They keep well for reasonable periods of time, are very portable and comes in it's own natural disposable package. Few foods carry all the nutrients found in a single banana that help you stay healthy in so many ways. So go ahead - have a banana.