วันอังคารที่ 10 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Fixing a Golf Slice - Four Steps to Fix That Banana Ball

Fixing a golf slice can be done when you understand the causes of your slice. I was a person who struggled terribly with a slice to the point where I basically quit golfing for about six months. Don't do what I did and think you can just play through it and get better because chances are you won't.

I was really getting sick and tired of getting beat by my friends and co-workers and just generally not having a whole lot of fun. I know how frustrating a persistent golf slice can be. However, I fixed my slice and you can also. First, let's look at four steps you can use to fix that banana ball.

1. The first key to fixing your golf slice is to determine if you have an issue with your downswing or an issue with your club face at contact. If the problem is on the downswing chances are you have an inside out swing that causes you to push the ball to the right. If the problem is at impact then the club face is open when hitting the ball forcing the ball right.

2. Determine if you have a lever or rotary swing. A rotary swing is one in which you're trying to turn left (for a righty) as fast as you can to create club head speed. While A lever swing is one in which the shoulder rotation is delayed in the downswing as the arms drop and the right hand and forearm are the primary movers of the club through impact.

3. Match your grip to the type of swing you have. After determining I had lever driven swing it became easier to pinpoint why I was slicing the ball. When you pinpoint why you slice, fixing the slice becomes that much easier. If you have a rotary swing your grip should be tighter than someone who has a lever swing. That is why I loosened my grip and instantly shaved seven strokes off my game.

4. Find the slot at the top of your swing. Professional golfers do this better than anyone, they find the slot at the top of the backswing before starting the down swing. This was another problem that I developed that only fueled the slicing fire.

