วันเสาร์ที่ 24 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

How to Remove Facial Wrinkles Fast & Naturally

There are plenty of ways to remove facial wrinkles quickly and naturally; you just have to know what works and what doesn't. For instance, although giving up smoking and avoiding excessive amounts of sun exposure can reduce facial wrinkles, it will NOT do so in a "timely" manner. As a matter of fact, doing any of those life style changes -- anti wrinkle dieting, moisturizing, giving up alcohol, stopping smoking, getting more sleep, etc. -- take months & month & months to get any sort of noticeable results.

Using ONLY super slow techniques to remove facial wrinkles just isn't a smart option. Why? Because by the time results even start to show, new wrinkles will have likely already formed and will require your attention -- you'll be behind before you even have a chance to get ahead. If you want to make such changes, that's completely fine and more power to you. BUT, such changes cannot be the only thing that you do if you wish to look younger and get rid of facial wrinkles fast.

For Faster Results...

Every night, start using homemade wrinkle remover masks. Masks made of honey, bananas, coconut oil, or pineapple juice are very effective and easy to do quickly. Results aren't instantaneous of course, but they will appear faster than if you had done nothing at all. 2 of these wrinkle remover recipes have been listed below. Take a look.

Honey: Wash your face with warm water then dry. Apply honey to your face and let sit for about 30 minutes. Rinse away and then rub an ice cube all around your face.

Banana Mash Up: Get 2 bananas and mash them up thoroughly in a bowl until it becomes a creamy paste. Apply this bowl of banana cream to your face and allow it to sit for 30 minutes. Rinse, then pat dry.

For the Fastest Results Possible...

There is NO better or faster way to remove facial wrinkles than by using RELIABLE anti wrinkle face cream. Some reliable anti-wrinkle creams are known to remove facial wrinkles within mere minutes -- one of them within 7 SECONDS!

Please notice that I said "reliable" (twice!) and that you can not use just any old anti-wrinkle cream. This is because there is a SEA of garbage wrinkle products out there which just don't work -- they are scams, plain and simple. Cosmetic companies feed on your desire to look younger and they make big profits hurling empty promises and ineffective treatments at you.

The key to making this work is by finding a wrinkle skin cream that is proven to reduce wrinkles & the signs of age AND is scientifically backed by clinical studies. In addition, it should also have a plethora of independent testimonials of people who have used the product AND it should be free to try (risk free trial or free trial period). If it meets these requirements, then it's worth your time and possibly your money. If it doesn't, well, then just move along to something else.

