The diet of bananas is 1 of the best and easiest way to contribute to weight loss, your commitment. It seems there are many variations of this diet ... I also have a version of this diet. Many other versions of this diet just seem plain stupid and not very practical.
Here is a easy to use, is slow, steady weight loss. This is not an extreme diet, as you might think.
You might think that the banana diet is all just eat bananasDay. Wrong! Obviously this is not very practical and intelligent. It 's just 1 main rule of this diet and another rule ...
Rule # 1: Eat 1-2 bananas before each meal ... at least 3 times a day.
Pretty simple, eh? Not much to think about. When you eat, you'll be eating 1-2 bananas before eating. Convenient, easy, healthy, and not very memorable.
Eat breakfast, 2 bananas. Before lunch, eat 2 bananas. dinner, eat 1 banana before. How to eat 5 total Bananas a day.
Rule # 2: eat what you want for meals.
This rule is simple ... eat what you want, just eat bananas 2 breakfast, 2 bananas before lunch and 1 banana before dinner. Of course, eating healthier normal can help your weight loss efforts even more, but is not 100% necessary.
Bonus Rule: You can substitute 1 banana lunch with an apple before breakfast e.
As mentioned, you can replace> Banana with an apple before breakfast and lunch. It is pay to alleviate boredom. Nothing more.
I really do not know how much weight you lose on this or any other diets that use bananas, but you should notice a steady weight loss. Not very fast, so if that is what you are looking for ... forget the diet of bananas.