วันอาทิตย์ที่ 7 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

20 Reasons To Go Bananas!

Bananas are filled with so many nutrients, that they are almost the perfect cure for whatever ails you! Compared to an apple, the potassium-rich banana has four times the protein, twice the carbohydrate, three times the phosphorus, five times the vitamin A and iron, and twice the other vitamins and minerals.

1. Boost Your Brain Power: potassium in bananas makes your more alert

2. Natural Laxative: High in fiber, bananas can get things moving without the use of chemicals

3. Calm Yourself: Bananas are high in calming B vitamins

4. Anemia Help: High in iron, bananas can help anemia by stimulating the production of hemoglobin

5. Get Over a Hangover: Make a banana milkshake with honey and milk. The banana calms the stomach and builds up blood sugar levels with the help of the honey...the milk soothes and rehydrates

6. Cheer Up: Bananas contain tryptophan that the body converts into serotonin. Bananas can make you relax, feel happier and improve your mood

7. No More Nicotine: Bananas contain B6, B12 and potassium and magnesium which all aid in stopping smoking and nicotine withdrawal

8. So Long Strokes: Research shows that regular consumption of bananas can cut your risk of strokes by 50%

9. Mama Morning Sickness: Snack on bananas between meals and keep your blood sugar even, preventing morning sickness

10. Monthly Moods: Regulate your blood glucose levels with the B6 in Bananas and smooth your mood naturally

11. Better Blood Pressure: High in potassium and yet low in salt, this is the perfect blood pressure food.

12. Halt Heartburn: Bananas are a natural, soothing antacid

13. Manage Mosquitoes: Many people reduce the swelling and itch of mosquito bites by rubbing the inside of the banana skin on them

14. Soothe Stress: Our potassium levels plummet when we are stressed. Potassium is a vital mineral, which helps normalize the heartbeat, sends oxygen to the brain and regulates your body's water balance. Bananas are high in potassium!

15. Wart Removal: Put the inside of a banana skin on a wart and hold it in place with a bandage: a natural wart remover!

16. SAD: Banish seasonal affective disorder by consuming bananas natural mood enhancer: tryptophan

17. Ulcers: Soft and soothing, bananas are the only raw fruit that reduces the acids of ulcers and coats the stomach lining

18. Pressure and Pounds: Highly stressed people benefit from a high carbohydrate banana between meals to keep their cravings and blood sugar in control

19. Cool It: Many cultures consider bananas a 'cooling' fruit that lowers the emotional and physical temperature of a person

20. Super Shine: Wipe your shoes with the inside of a banana skin and polish with a dry cloth for a super shoe shine

And don't forget how good it tastes too!

