วันอังคารที่ 28 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

The Banana Starvation Diet

I remember the first diet I tried many years ago. It was the old cranberry juice diet, and of course it didn't work. How I remember that is because the banana diet is now the most current diet fad making the rounds. Eat a banana in the morning and starve yourself the rest of the day. This weight loss diet is just another worthless diet. Every once in a while someone will ask me what is the best way to lose weight and quite honestly that is a hard question to answer because, there are a number of good safe ways to lose weight consistently. I've chosen my top three weight busters, as I call them, and will discuss them in this article.

Let's take a look at the banana diet. It basically says that eating bananas for breakfast will cause weight loss no matter what else you eat. But it has been proven time and time again that there is no particular stimulus from the fruit itself, though fruit would be healthier than bacon. All this diet will do is slow down your metabolism and you be starving 2 hours later.

There are numerous diets out on the market that have come and gone in one variation or another over the years, and seldom do they ever work. Low calorie diets do not work because we are just starving ourselves and then our metabolism basically stops burning calories. That's why we can never lose weight on a low calorie diet.

Then there is the low fat diet. Just about every person in America wether skinny or fat, seems to purchase food that is "low fat" or "low sugar"! Just look around, and we americans are not getting any thinner after all these years of eating low fat foods.

Finally comes the Low carb diets that drain us of our energy and make us irritable and grouchy. I remember the last time I tried this diet, my wife thought I was crazy. Some low carb diets won't even let you eat an apple, now how crazy is that?

Americans are overweight because we are eating the wrong foods and at the wrong time of day. But the good news is, we can lose weight by eating the right foods at the right times.

Below you will find a review of the banana diet, and learn what foods, and what time of day to eat these foods, that will set you on a reliable consistent weight loss program.

To YOUR success

Dave Stahly

