วันอังคารที่ 18 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Facts About Calcium - Learn Some of the Important Facts About Calcium and Their Impact on Health

Calcium has many roles to play in maintaining proper health and well-being other than acting as a building block of bones and teeth. Many degenerative diseases have been found to be linked with calcium deficiency and conditions like fatigue, depression, muscle cramps, frequent headaches and PMS in women are also somewhat connected with lack of calcium-rich food in our everyday diet.

Let's find out some interesting facts about calcium.

Fact #1: Calcium helps in proper digestion of food. We all know that calcium carbonate tablets are taken to reduce acidity in stomach. This is true. Calcium is actively involved in reducing acidity and hence promotes proper digestion and absorption of nutrients found in food material. As a result of this enhanced metabolic activity, calcium has been found to assist in weight loss. It helps in the prevention of obesity, high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

Fact #2: Calcium prevents depression in women. Women in their old age are not only at high risk of developing osteoporosis but also depression, hypertension and cardiovascular disease. Recently it has been discovered that calcium deficiency might be a cause of pre-menstrual syndrome in women and prolonged state of depression, especially after giving birth. Pregnant and lactating women are strongly advised to increase their calcium intake for proper development of the baby and to prevent baby blues later on.

Fact #3: Calcium is important for blood clotting. Calcium and vitamin K are vital to be present in the blood in order to form blood clots. The blood of people who are deficient of calcium takes longer to clot and hence there is a danger of too much blood loss. Calcium supplements and calcium-rich food should be consumed on a regular basis to overcome this deficiency and live a normal, healthy life.

There are many calcium-rich supplements now available on the market. The ones made with coral calcium are increasingly gaining popularity because of the ability of coral calcium (calcium carbonate) to prevent many diseases and improve overall health. Coral calcium obtained from waters around Okinawa Island in Japan has been found to be the most refined form of this salt and should be used by manufacturers in making high-quality supplement products.

In addition to these tablets, don't forget to exercise on a regular basis and eat a healthy, balanced diet including at least 2 cups of milk daily. Ask your doctor for daily recommended allowances of calcium and accordingly adjust your dosage of calcium tablets.

