วันจันทร์ที่ 10 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Does Morning Banana Diet Work?

It seems that every other week there is a new fad diet focusing on one food is coming out into the market and supposed to be revolutionizing the weight loss industry. The latest of these fad diets is the morning banana diet that originated in Japan. It's become such a mania you can not even buy a banana in Japan, As you can see dieting is a worldwide phenomenon. This article will explore what exactly the banana diet is and if you can really lose with this formula.

The morning banana diet is a very simple diet plan. The whole concept is you eat anywhere from one to five bananas for breakfast along with room temperature water. Then you can eat whatever you want for lunch, snacks and dinner. You can not eat after 8 p.m and you can not have dessert after dinner. Exercise is said to be done only if you want to.

Can just eating bananas for breakfast and anything you want for lunch and dinner really work? While bananas are a very good food to eat when you are trying to slim down so are almost almost all other fruits. Almost every diet plan calls for eating fruits. Fruits as a whole are very good because they have fiber and water which makes you feel fuller and therefore suppressing your appetite. As you might suspect there are no magical weight loss properties in bananas.

It has been proven time and time again that fad diets do not work. A diet that calls for eating anything you want for lunch and dinner without any exercise simply does not work. And if you are not eating healthy foods you are not going to be very healthy.

Eating breakfast is very important to any diet plan. A banana is an option but not the only option. Low fat yogurt or egg whites is also a good option that will give you more nutrients.

If you are starting a diet plan you want to eat foods high in fiber and water content. These foods will make you feel full without having a lot of calories. If you combine this with exercise such as cardio for 30-60 minutes a day you will start to see the fat melting away.

In conclusion fad diets such as the morning banana diet sometimes result in weight loss but is usually followed by weight gain. Quite often to a heavier then you were before. Healthy eating and exercise is the only true way to lose weight. You must burn more calories then you consume. That is the simple formula.

