Have you heard of the phrase smoking banana peels? When you try researching the term, another term comes up which is bananadine. Apparently, an urban legend about smoking banana peels was the reason why the word bananadine was coined. Wikipedia defines bananadine as "a fictional psychoactive substance which is allegedly extracted from banana peels."
It sounds really weird to actually smoke using banana peels. This fictitious activity started when a recipe on extraction of bananadine from banana peels was published in Berkeley Barb, which was an underground newspaper. Max Scherr, the founder and editor, published a satirical story about a bananadine-induced psychedelic high. According to him, the high is just like that of opium and psilocybin. The story gained popularity after two significant events. It got published in The Anarchist Cookbook by William Powell and people related it to a hit single titled "Mellow Yellow." What started as a hoax is now considered to be true by people!
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) conducted a study on bananadine after a New York Times article stated, that "banana scrapings, provide-if anything-a mild psychedelic experience." The FDA study concluded otherwise. To support the findings of the FDA, researchers at New York University found that banana peels do not contain intoxicating chemicals. According to them, smoking banana peels merely created a placebo effect. That is, the psychedelic high is only a result of the person's perception of how it works.
Studies prove that the hoax has no grain of truth to it. It was fictional and an urban legend, nothing more. But still, some people have the opposite opinion. Others even went as far as posting a recipe in the Web! Is smoking banana peels real or not? Why would you even bother? Smoking is not a good habit. And if you smoke to get high, that is even worse. Quit smoking now! Make the right choice!