วันพุธที่ 30 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

Banana Nutrition

Bananas are native to the tropical region of Southeast Asia and Australia. Banana plants are of the family Musaceae and are cultivated mostly for their fruit, and sometimes for the production of fiber and as ornamental plants. Bananas are tall, upright, and fairly sturdy. They are often mistaken for trees, however they are not.

They grow in hanging clusters of about 20 fruit known as a bunch or banana stem. They are 2 specific varieties that are well known and they are the green banana and the plantain which is usually cooked first hand. They also come in a variety of sizes and colors when ripe, including yellow, purple and red.

Bananas contain three natural sugars - sucrose, fructose and glucose combined with fiber, giving the body a boost of energy. Bananas are also a valuable source of vitamin B6, vitamin C, and potassium. Vitamin B6, also referred to as B complex is a water-soluble vitamin. It helps the body to convert carbohydrates into glucose (sugar), which is "burned" to produce energy. They also help metabolize fats and protein and play an important role in maintaining muscle tone in the gastrointestinal tract and promoting the health of the nervous system, skin, hair, eyes, mouth, and liver.

The most widely known vitamin is vitamin c. Again, a water soluble vitamin that is essential for the production of bones and connective tissue. This vitamin also helps with the absorption of iron. It is also an antioxidant, meaning it bonds with free radicals in the body that may damage cells like cardiovascular disease, cancer and premature aging.

Potassium chloride (KCl) is a metal halide salt composed of potassium and chlorine. Potassium is a natural diuretic that helps your body excrete water and sodium, thus promoting healthy cardiovascular health and regulating water balance. It also plays a role in muscle growth and contractions, nerve cell function, and protein synthesis.

As you can see, bananas offer tremendous nutritional value and should be a part of your every day regime.

Eat them raw or cook up some delicious recipes and reap the benefits.

