วันศุกร์ที่ 2 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Home Made Banana Pancake Recipe

I've always really enjoyed making pancakes, so much so that when I was little I used to mix all kinds of different things together to see how they would taste. My all time favorite is probably my buttermilk banana pancake recipe; I love bananas and something about the way their taste mixes with the rich creamy buttermilk just makes me want to drool.

Luckily for me they aren't hard to make, so I get to have them pretty much whenever I want, sometimes I have them for breakfast; sometimes I eat them as desert. It all depends on what mood takes me, and now I'm going to share them with you so that you can enjoy free banana pancakes whenever you want as well.

To make my banana pancake recipe you will need:


Large mixing bowl
Frying pan
Something to heat the frying pan on
Ladle or spoon


4 ounces of plan flour
3 ounces of wholemeal flour
2 tablespoons of caster sugar
2.5 teaspoons of baking powder
A pinch of salt
12 fluid ounces of buttermilk
2 bananas
1 - 2 tablespoons of oil

The first step is to mix the two kinds of flour together in the bowl, then once they have mingled together properly, add the baking powder, followed by the salt and the sugar. All of this should be thoroughly whisked together, though you can use a fork if you don't have access to a whisk.

Chop up the banana's into very small pieces before placing them into the mixing bowl, start stirring with a fork whilst you slowly add the buttermilk. The aim is to make sure the batter is moist but still fairly well stuck together. This particular banana pancake recipe does not call for the batter to be as runny as you may be used to from making other kinds of pancakes.

That done you are ready to cook your pancakes. Heat up a frying pan and add a small amount of the oil to help make sure your mixture doesn't stick to the pan. Then begin scooping your mixture into the pan and begin to cook, each cake should take only need a few minutes on each side and you should easily be able to fit two or three in one pan at any given time. Though do make sure to leave ample room to flip the pancakes halfway through without causing them to fall on each other.